Tuesday, November 11, 2014


"I think that's about the best we can do for now."  Evan said, the unpleasant stink still lingering within the lit lobby and seeping into the nearby hallways.  The corpse had been wrapped up tightly in the tablecloth and with it, the bits of bone and stray lumps of soft, dull pink matter as well.  What they could wipe up using nearby stray sheets of paper and thick gloves, anyway.

"There's some more cleaning stuff in the other room for the RAs to use in case they're needed."  Leon pointed to the nearby closed door in the back of the lobby from where he had produced the heavy rubber gloves they were both wearing.  "It's around where the first aid kit was stored."

"Yeah, I saw it in there earlier."  Evan carefully swept his field of vision over the floor, visually inspecting to see if there were any more broken stray teeth or bits of bone to collect.  Apart from the blood and a few lumps of stray grey pink sludge, the floor seemed to be about as clean as they could manage to get at the moment.

"So, were you thinking of just leaving the body in the corner for now?"  Leon asked, looking at the brown tablecloth wrapped figure.  He stood passively near to where the skull had been cracked open.  "Or do you think we should move it somewhere before we start cleaning up in here?"

"Actually, I was thinking we should put this outside as soon as possible."  Evan spoke as he approached the glass door and broad windows facing the park blocks.  "While we still have the chance to do it."

"Do you really want to risk going outside when we know there's zombies in the area?"  Leon's voiced concerns came as Evan carefully peered through the glass windows.  "It's only going to be a problem until we leave.  And once we clean up the blood and puke it's going to be a lot better in here."  It sounded to Evan like Leon wasn't fully convinced of what he was saying, but he clearly wanted to be.

"I can't move him out there without help from someone, so if you don't want to take that risk, it's probably going to stay in here with us whether or not that's a good idea."  Evan was meticulously focused on not touching the glass windows or the doors with his gloves, and exercised caution not to step in the pool of vomit beside the door.  He leaned from side to side, checking for any movement within the shadows outside.  What the widely placed street lamps in the open space made clear was an empty park space and an uncomfortable array of shadows.  "But I think right now is going to be our best chance of doing this with minimal risk."

"Well, let's do it, then."  Leon exhaled sharply, as if he already regret the commitment.  He tentatively began to remove his gloves as he stepped around the body, approaching the door.  "I guess I'll get the door."

"Actually, if we had a third person to get the door for us things would go a lot faster.  And be safer for everyone, not just us."  Moving to the side of the lobby Evan looked down the hallway leading to the common room.  Peering in that direction, he couldn't see anyone down that way.  "George?  Are you still there?  We could use your help with something over here."

George came out from around the corner close to door at the end of the hall and reluctantly approached despite looking ill.  Without much cajoling, he was quickly recruited into their operation.  He was given Leon's keys and assigned to handle the front door for them.  While keeping an eye out for anything that might suddenly charge at them from the darkness.

Quickly working out their plan ahead, Evan lifted the lifeless figure's legs while Leon gripped the shoulders.  Together, they trod into the icy air outside as George held the door wide.  Walking together in silence a few dozen feet away from the front door, they set the mass down beside one of the long wooden benches.  They then both stripped off the gore covered gloves and dropped them beside the body.  Hurrying back wordlessly, they darted inside and George locked up after them again.

The task complete for now, George impulsively examined the lock several times over before offering the keys in return.  He was the first to speak again.  "It's been a long day.  I think I'm going to go lay down in my room for a while if that's okay with everyone."

"Thank you George."  Evan replied.  "You've been a big help."

"Just to be careful, we should all wash up again before doing anything else."  Leon helpfully suggested.  "According to the news, they say you can only get the zombie infection from a bite.  But either way, that was still a dead body.  It could just as easily give us a regular disease if we're not careful."