Checking upon the security of the clasps one last time, Evan took a step backwards. He still slept, but with his left ankle and left wrist restrained as they were, Evan hoped it would be enough in case the worst happened. His breathing was still heavy and slow. At least he was getting some rest. That could only be good for him. Evan inspected the bindings one last time to make sure they weren't too restrictive to be uncomfortable but tight enough to serve their purpose.
Confident in the security of the bindings, Evan stood. Evelyn, the heavier white girl had gone silent while Evan worked to put on the cuffs. The slender asain girl had attempted to help Evan find the best choice of limbs to restrain, gingerly helping to move Robert's left leg into a better position to be locked down. She had an unhappy look on her face, but she was determined enough to not let her discomfort get in the way of what should be done.
The room was growing darker as the single light was a little inefficient to completely replace the setting sun. A chill blast of air blew so hard outside he could hear the branches of the trees clattering. The glass in the window vibrated faintly. Evelyn hung her head down, her curly blond hair obscuring her face as she tenderly clasped Robert's hand. Evelyn sniffed, trying to suppress her emotion.
Esteban and Casilda were still waiting in the hall outside. Evan could hear the sounds of their talking in the hall, but it was muffled by the door and the other slight noise sources audible within the chamber.
Running his fingers over the smooth metal key for the handcuffs, Evan wondered momentarily if it would be better to restrict both arms instead. Or one hand and leg on opposite sides of the body. He thought the comfort of the patient was probably a little more important than whatever small level of safety increase that would add. No matter how they did this, there was going to be at least a little risk involved.
Waiting until Minoko looked towards him, Evan caught her attention with a careful head movement. Then motioned her to join him at the other side of the small room. Once there, he held the key out so she could see it, and whispered faintly. "This is the key for those cuffs we just put on Robert. Now, we're going to have to leave those on him until he gets better."
Minoko swallowed and nodded, briefly looking into Evan's eyes with a shaken, injured look on her face. Her long black hair obscured her face when she turned away. She clearly didn't want to think about what was happening. But she still had initiative enough to help Evan attach the cuffs to Robert without a word spoken. She was paying attention and being active. She was resilient enough to swallow her emotions and do what was needed to help her friend. Evan had a great deal of respect for that.
"Now what we're going to do, is someone will be out in the hallway with this key." Robert motioned to the door nearby with his head. "When Robert wakes up, and needs help getting comfortable, or getting water or is hungry or needs anything. Or if either of you needs something, come out into the hall and there will be someone there to help you. Until that happens, keep this door locked. Do you understand?"
Minoko nodded slightly, but added with a faint voice. "Yes. I understand." Her accent was fairly pronounced as her speech wavered slightly. "Th-Thank you."
Evan continued, whispering so Evelyn wouldn't be overly distracted. "But if Robert starts to act different, or strange, you need to get yourself, and Evelyn out of the room. Don't wait. Do it as soon as you notice something is wrong."
"Yes, I-" Minoko broke her speeh for a moment, her lips quivering as she paused. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath while Evan patiently waited for her to regain her composure. "I will."
Sensing a need, Evan opened his arms to offer an embrace to provide what reassurance he could to the small woman. She was much shorter than him, so he had to crouch down a little. Evan waited until Minoko broke away from him on her own.
Feeling bad for already intruding into their privacy too much, Evan quietly left the room.