Despite a pervasive twinge of unease, Lucas knew the hard task which laid before him. He just had to keep his wits about him and seize the opportunity when it came. He just had to make sure to do it right. He'd only have one chance.
With his thoughts coming into focus, Lucas examined his surroundings with new awareness of his situation. The others were speaking to Evan as they loaded bags into the car. Still lounging in the vehicle, Lucas took in a deep breath of air and adjusted the positon of his glasses. Although they were exposed here, he knew Evan would be well alert.
The others finished loading the trunk, sending the carts clattering to a noisy rest in the entryway of the store. They then piled inside the car, continuing a conversation which had been going on briefly away from Lucas's attention. The doors were locked, windows raised until only a slim crack of air was allowed through.
"So if this whole area is under some kind of quarantine, what's the new plan?" Leon asked after he locked his front passenger's door. "We can't fit very many people in here."
"Everyone who can walk, gets out on foot." Evan replied from the driver's seat, turning so he could look at the others. "Use the car to make sure the path ahead is clear, and everyone follows behind with something to defend themselves."
"You can't be serious." Minoko replied with a hint of emotion in her voice.
"I am." Evan regarded Lucas with a solemn look. "If we can't rely on outside help, that's the only option we have."
"I don't like that idea." Leon shook his head. "How many of us even know how to defend ourselves? One mistake and we're all in trouble."
Evan hesitated. "Well, it's either that, or there's going to be a lot of people left behind. They'd have to raid the nearby stores and malls for supplies. With the hope to wait it out until this is all over."
"Maybe," Leon tentatively began, "We use the car to take a lot of shorter trips? Find a relatively safe place five miles away and return. Transport everyone a short distance in small groups, then go on from the new point."
"I think we've got about fifty people in total..." Evan paused. "And we don't know how far it is we have to travel. We'd run out of gas before getting very far."
"When we run low on fuel, we should be able to salvage something from all these vehicles around, then continue." Leon speculated. "Make short hops like that in a secure car instead of having all of us outside in one big group."
"Um.." Lucas didn't like where the conversation was going, but what could he say? The plan seemed fundamentally sound as it was coming together. Just too slow and indirect as far as a tolerable solution went. Although, maybe Lucas could direct their focus. "We could look for other cars to use."
There was a brief exchange of glances as those gathered were clearly confused by the proposition. "You mean, like hotwiring?" Evan asked. "Do you know someone who can do that?"
"Uh- Someone might, but I wasn't thinking of that." Lucas pointed to the keys in the front seat. "I mean, those.. Well, those don't have it, but you know those beeping things keys sometimes have on them? So the car makes a sound? Some of the zombies may have those..."
"So we go search the-" Leon hesitated. "Remains, then if we find keys with those, we bring them with us..."
"And try using them to find other cars." Evan added, but shook his head as he turned to look at Lucas in the back seat. "But even if we do find keys with those remote chirpers, the car it goes to could be anywhere. I don't think those have very good range."
"When I watched the news on that first day, there were a whole lot of people trapped in the convention center. Some of the zombies we've seen may have come from there. Probably a lot of them, even."
"Oh, so it's likely any keys we find would be for something parked close to the convention center." Evan concluded. "In one of the lots nearby..."
"Even if we just find one car, that would cut our time to escape in half." Leon looked at Evan, clearly regarding him as the one in charge and his own thoughts as mere advice. "It's worth a shot."
"Aren't there going to be a lot more of the- things there?" Minoko had remained silent until now.
"They seem to walk around randomly if they don't see anyone." Leon suggested. "If we're lucky, there might not be many of them around."
"What about the aliens? If we've been abandoned, isn't this their territory now?" Minoko crossed her arms over herself, though not because of the freezing air.
Evan turned in his seat to address Minoko. "We've seen no more signs of them since those black notes hit us. But if we do see anything strange or hear something, we'll head back." Evan paused a moment, then thoughtfully added. "Since we don't know anything about them or what they want, we can't really know how to avoid them. So, worrying about it won't help at all. Right, Lucas?"
Lucas held his tongue, nodding silently. Privately, his mind weighed the unknown threats against the possibility of escape. The only certainty was that the black notes were last fired when there were a lot of people exploring the immediate area. If his wormhole theory was accurate, by venturing elsewhere in the city, they might accidentally stumble across something and trigger another black note. And with it, an uncertain fate. But as far as he was concerned, any risk that would get him out of this zombie-infested zone was a required gamble.
The others made plans without his input, and began to go about their heroism. Lucas had nothing to contribute to their ideas for proceeding, nor the execution of their ideas. He merely had to tag along, helping, while remaining vigilant. Evan would keep them safe, so he merely had to concentrate on not seeing the things passing in front of his eyes.
With clarity of purpose, Lucas saw the actions being taken as if he were even watching himself. The group brought supplies to the Blackwood dormitory. Weapons and food were given, although Simon still regarded Evan with a dark gaze. Plans were discussed both with the people in Blackwood dorm and the few remaining in the Mansfield building. If there was any objection, the arguments from others were seemingly minor and brief.
Finally, bloodied remains were examined for keys. That last step before the crucial plan was laborious, eating up a great deal of daylight. Numerous bodies in front of each dormitory were searched with gloved hands while their safe haven was parked nearby. Knowing he would be useless on lookout Lucas forced himself to search, frequently gagging or vomiting when he accidentally saw too much. Then they drove to a few other locations with a number of downed figures and searched through those.
Keeping his mind singularly focused upon imminent escape, Lucas worked through every unsettling sight and rancid odor. Eventually the others decided they had what they needed to make the attempt and indicated it was time to proceed. Lucas discarded the grimy gloves he had been using and returned to the car. Leon offered him a squirt from a bottle of hand sanitizer as Lucas finally allowed himself to see.
The size of their collection of keys with the remote beepers was really quite surprising. As Evan drove the vehicle down the street and began their journey to the convention center, Lucas felt a gnawing discomfort of internal tension. Considering the shock of greater success than he anticipated, niggling doubts coalesced. Thoughts whirled around for brief moments before Lucas arrived at a renewed, resolved confidence that this could only be a good thing. Considering his friend's capabilities, this meant his envisioned ultimate outcome was only more certain.
When Lucas returned to his senses, they were already over the river and in the midst of crossing a smaller bridge over a highway, the sprawling convention center ahead on their left. The sounds of keys jingling filled the vehicle as the others handled multiple sets. Leon's voice was coming from behind. "...until then." Lucas realized with a momentary sense of bewilderment that he had been sitting in the front passenger seat. He grasped a couple of the keys and held them up, finding the beeper buttons with clumsy fingers.
The car slowed to a crawl upon nearing the adjacent intersection, windows lowering just slightly to allow sound to pierce inside. Evan gazed intensely down the streets and along the sidewalks. "No zombies yet. Everyone stay alert."
"No sounds, either. Moaning, anything." Leon added, over continued activity with various keys.
Lucas exhaled tensely, gazing about with something else in mind as the vehicle edged forwards. The convention center was surrounded on the edges with well cultivated greenery. Though out of leaf now, at other times trees would color the streets and shade the pedestrian traffic. Other than the convention center itself, the buildings around here were smaller in scale with some service business and several tiny lots, dotted with cars. Parking areas were around the larger structure, but the population of cars currently present all were distressingly sparse.
Although the city was still eerily empty, rare signs of the peculiar malady and the resultant abnormality of their locale seemed slightly more common in this area. One vehicle had crashed into another vehicle on the road; neither contained bodies. Personal items such as purses, umbrellas and bags of collectable junk were dropped in abnormal locations. Of particular distracting focus Lucas saw what appeared to be a sword stuck in a bush. Not far from one motionless body slumped against the building there was a single severed arm.
Without any sounds other than their engine, Lucas felt a hitching moment of dread and excitement as he spied what was necessary. He pointed off to the right, a short distance down a side street. "There!" He motioned to Evan, who drew the vehicle to a slow stop. "Back that way!"
Evan glanced back to Lucas peering in the indicated direction down the street. "What is it?"
"Parking garage." Lucas paused briefly, then added. "There's going to be a denser population of cars inside. So we're more likely to get a good response there."
"Good thinking." Evan turned the car around easily and guided them towards the three story structure in silence. The others appeared to have no qualms over that particular tactic.
Lucas maintained fumbling with his share of keys as the car circled back around the block to arrive at the sturdy, square structure. Strong wired rails lined the broad, open faces of the structure, occasional stony pillars of beige standing strong. Although the deeper interior of the structure was difficult to make out in the evening light, a casual look suggested that Lucas's prediction was accurate.
"We should have brought flashlights with us." Minoko commented.
"We might have to come back tomorrow." The headlights came on as Evan drove carefully inside.
Evan drove within, bringing them deeper to some arbitrary point in the middle and idling the car in park. Lucas breathed in deep to ease his nerves, listening and watching their surroundings as the others attempted triggering various beepers in safety. From what reflected from outside and their headlights, vehicles were in maybe slightly less than half the spaces. Better than outside lots, but not as much as it first appeared.
After securing a few keys in one hand, Lucas chanced to unlock his door and swing it open in one swift motion. With alarm, Evan placed his hand upon Lucas's shoulder and hesitated.
"What are you doing?" Leon asked from the back in alarm as Lucas threw open the door and swung his leg out.
Striding out a few steps into the dark garage, Lucas turned to face the others before replying, trying not to let his uncertainty come out in his voice. "What? If any zombies were nearby, they would have come to us by now. Our car is the only thing that's making any noise in the whole city." Lucas then held up a remote beeper and pushed at the button on it. "Besides, I'll be able to hear anything better standing out here."
Disbelieving looks were exchanged as the others didn't seemingly know how to reply, but to Lucas's relief, Evan soon followed suit. "Okay, but we still need to be super careful about this. There's not much light to see by."
Leon and Minoko were more wary of such activity, but they seemed satisfied to let their oddball companions take the risk and be lookouts while handing off keys to be tested. They tried each beeper in turn, keeping track of what had been used so far before entering the vehicle again and driving to the further end of the building, still on the first floor.
That time, with the slightly upward sloping street now cutting off the open walls, the only light they could see by was secondary; reflected shadowy dimness gleaming off of various surfaces. Still, Lucas repeated his act, casually stepping into danger with a madman's confidence: only possible by knowing it was a required step in an important plan.
Nothing came of the second point, yet they all seemingly were marginally more at ease with what Lucas was doing. But there were two other floors and rooftop to go to. Lucas became silent again, waiting for the needed criteria as they proceeded to check the other locations. Light was rapidly leaching from the sky as they came out onto the roof, providing a much clearer view of substantially fewer vehicles. Success was least likely here of all, yet they began again.
Just as Lucas was beginning to despair that things would be inevitably postponed, everything fell into place. While he had been searching through those mutilated, bloodied corpses, Lucas had numbed his mind and tried to become blind to his surroundings. Activity became a deliberate and necessary awful thing he could not allow himself to linger upon. If he had not done so earlier, he simply wouldn't have been able to function.
The moment right now was such a time, yet Lucas couldn't quite recapture the same sense of numb blindness to what he saw. He was trapped in an inevitable flow with only one possible outcome and nothing could be done differently. Yet he wasn't watching himself this time. He was watching someone despicable betraying a close friend.
The others finished loading the trunk, sending the carts clattering to a noisy rest in the entryway of the store. They then piled inside the car, continuing a conversation which had been going on briefly away from Lucas's attention. The doors were locked, windows raised until only a slim crack of air was allowed through.
"So if this whole area is under some kind of quarantine, what's the new plan?" Leon asked after he locked his front passenger's door. "We can't fit very many people in here."
"Everyone who can walk, gets out on foot." Evan replied from the driver's seat, turning so he could look at the others. "Use the car to make sure the path ahead is clear, and everyone follows behind with something to defend themselves."
"You can't be serious." Minoko replied with a hint of emotion in her voice.
"I am." Evan regarded Lucas with a solemn look. "If we can't rely on outside help, that's the only option we have."
"I don't like that idea." Leon shook his head. "How many of us even know how to defend ourselves? One mistake and we're all in trouble."
Evan hesitated. "Well, it's either that, or there's going to be a lot of people left behind. They'd have to raid the nearby stores and malls for supplies. With the hope to wait it out until this is all over."
"Maybe," Leon tentatively began, "We use the car to take a lot of shorter trips? Find a relatively safe place five miles away and return. Transport everyone a short distance in small groups, then go on from the new point."
"I think we've got about fifty people in total..." Evan paused. "And we don't know how far it is we have to travel. We'd run out of gas before getting very far."
"When we run low on fuel, we should be able to salvage something from all these vehicles around, then continue." Leon speculated. "Make short hops like that in a secure car instead of having all of us outside in one big group."
"Um.." Lucas didn't like where the conversation was going, but what could he say? The plan seemed fundamentally sound as it was coming together. Just too slow and indirect as far as a tolerable solution went. Although, maybe Lucas could direct their focus. "We could look for other cars to use."
There was a brief exchange of glances as those gathered were clearly confused by the proposition. "You mean, like hotwiring?" Evan asked. "Do you know someone who can do that?"
"Uh- Someone might, but I wasn't thinking of that." Lucas pointed to the keys in the front seat. "I mean, those.. Well, those don't have it, but you know those beeping things keys sometimes have on them? So the car makes a sound? Some of the zombies may have those..."
"So we go search the-" Leon hesitated. "Remains, then if we find keys with those, we bring them with us..."
"And try using them to find other cars." Evan added, but shook his head as he turned to look at Lucas in the back seat. "But even if we do find keys with those remote chirpers, the car it goes to could be anywhere. I don't think those have very good range."
"When I watched the news on that first day, there were a whole lot of people trapped in the convention center. Some of the zombies we've seen may have come from there. Probably a lot of them, even."
"Oh, so it's likely any keys we find would be for something parked close to the convention center." Evan concluded. "In one of the lots nearby..."
"Even if we just find one car, that would cut our time to escape in half." Leon looked at Evan, clearly regarding him as the one in charge and his own thoughts as mere advice. "It's worth a shot."
"Aren't there going to be a lot more of the- things there?" Minoko had remained silent until now.
"They seem to walk around randomly if they don't see anyone." Leon suggested. "If we're lucky, there might not be many of them around."
"What about the aliens? If we've been abandoned, isn't this their territory now?" Minoko crossed her arms over herself, though not because of the freezing air.
Evan turned in his seat to address Minoko. "We've seen no more signs of them since those black notes hit us. But if we do see anything strange or hear something, we'll head back." Evan paused a moment, then thoughtfully added. "Since we don't know anything about them or what they want, we can't really know how to avoid them. So, worrying about it won't help at all. Right, Lucas?"
Lucas held his tongue, nodding silently. Privately, his mind weighed the unknown threats against the possibility of escape. The only certainty was that the black notes were last fired when there were a lot of people exploring the immediate area. If his wormhole theory was accurate, by venturing elsewhere in the city, they might accidentally stumble across something and trigger another black note. And with it, an uncertain fate. But as far as he was concerned, any risk that would get him out of this zombie-infested zone was a required gamble.
The others made plans without his input, and began to go about their heroism. Lucas had nothing to contribute to their ideas for proceeding, nor the execution of their ideas. He merely had to tag along, helping, while remaining vigilant. Evan would keep them safe, so he merely had to concentrate on not seeing the things passing in front of his eyes.
With clarity of purpose, Lucas saw the actions being taken as if he were even watching himself. The group brought supplies to the Blackwood dormitory. Weapons and food were given, although Simon still regarded Evan with a dark gaze. Plans were discussed both with the people in Blackwood dorm and the few remaining in the Mansfield building. If there was any objection, the arguments from others were seemingly minor and brief.
Finally, bloodied remains were examined for keys. That last step before the crucial plan was laborious, eating up a great deal of daylight. Numerous bodies in front of each dormitory were searched with gloved hands while their safe haven was parked nearby. Knowing he would be useless on lookout Lucas forced himself to search, frequently gagging or vomiting when he accidentally saw too much. Then they drove to a few other locations with a number of downed figures and searched through those.
Keeping his mind singularly focused upon imminent escape, Lucas worked through every unsettling sight and rancid odor. Eventually the others decided they had what they needed to make the attempt and indicated it was time to proceed. Lucas discarded the grimy gloves he had been using and returned to the car. Leon offered him a squirt from a bottle of hand sanitizer as Lucas finally allowed himself to see.
The size of their collection of keys with the remote beepers was really quite surprising. As Evan drove the vehicle down the street and began their journey to the convention center, Lucas felt a gnawing discomfort of internal tension. Considering the shock of greater success than he anticipated, niggling doubts coalesced. Thoughts whirled around for brief moments before Lucas arrived at a renewed, resolved confidence that this could only be a good thing. Considering his friend's capabilities, this meant his envisioned ultimate outcome was only more certain.
When Lucas returned to his senses, they were already over the river and in the midst of crossing a smaller bridge over a highway, the sprawling convention center ahead on their left. The sounds of keys jingling filled the vehicle as the others handled multiple sets. Leon's voice was coming from behind. "...until then." Lucas realized with a momentary sense of bewilderment that he had been sitting in the front passenger seat. He grasped a couple of the keys and held them up, finding the beeper buttons with clumsy fingers.
The car slowed to a crawl upon nearing the adjacent intersection, windows lowering just slightly to allow sound to pierce inside. Evan gazed intensely down the streets and along the sidewalks. "No zombies yet. Everyone stay alert."
"No sounds, either. Moaning, anything." Leon added, over continued activity with various keys.
Lucas exhaled tensely, gazing about with something else in mind as the vehicle edged forwards. The convention center was surrounded on the edges with well cultivated greenery. Though out of leaf now, at other times trees would color the streets and shade the pedestrian traffic. Other than the convention center itself, the buildings around here were smaller in scale with some service business and several tiny lots, dotted with cars. Parking areas were around the larger structure, but the population of cars currently present all were distressingly sparse.
Although the city was still eerily empty, rare signs of the peculiar malady and the resultant abnormality of their locale seemed slightly more common in this area. One vehicle had crashed into another vehicle on the road; neither contained bodies. Personal items such as purses, umbrellas and bags of collectable junk were dropped in abnormal locations. Of particular distracting focus Lucas saw what appeared to be a sword stuck in a bush. Not far from one motionless body slumped against the building there was a single severed arm.
Without any sounds other than their engine, Lucas felt a hitching moment of dread and excitement as he spied what was necessary. He pointed off to the right, a short distance down a side street. "There!" He motioned to Evan, who drew the vehicle to a slow stop. "Back that way!"
Evan glanced back to Lucas peering in the indicated direction down the street. "What is it?"
"Parking garage." Lucas paused briefly, then added. "There's going to be a denser population of cars inside. So we're more likely to get a good response there."
"Good thinking." Evan turned the car around easily and guided them towards the three story structure in silence. The others appeared to have no qualms over that particular tactic.
Lucas maintained fumbling with his share of keys as the car circled back around the block to arrive at the sturdy, square structure. Strong wired rails lined the broad, open faces of the structure, occasional stony pillars of beige standing strong. Although the deeper interior of the structure was difficult to make out in the evening light, a casual look suggested that Lucas's prediction was accurate.
"We should have brought flashlights with us." Minoko commented.
"We might have to come back tomorrow." The headlights came on as Evan drove carefully inside.
Evan drove within, bringing them deeper to some arbitrary point in the middle and idling the car in park. Lucas breathed in deep to ease his nerves, listening and watching their surroundings as the others attempted triggering various beepers in safety. From what reflected from outside and their headlights, vehicles were in maybe slightly less than half the spaces. Better than outside lots, but not as much as it first appeared.
After securing a few keys in one hand, Lucas chanced to unlock his door and swing it open in one swift motion. With alarm, Evan placed his hand upon Lucas's shoulder and hesitated.
"What are you doing?" Leon asked from the back in alarm as Lucas threw open the door and swung his leg out.
Striding out a few steps into the dark garage, Lucas turned to face the others before replying, trying not to let his uncertainty come out in his voice. "What? If any zombies were nearby, they would have come to us by now. Our car is the only thing that's making any noise in the whole city." Lucas then held up a remote beeper and pushed at the button on it. "Besides, I'll be able to hear anything better standing out here."
Disbelieving looks were exchanged as the others didn't seemingly know how to reply, but to Lucas's relief, Evan soon followed suit. "Okay, but we still need to be super careful about this. There's not much light to see by."
Leon and Minoko were more wary of such activity, but they seemed satisfied to let their oddball companions take the risk and be lookouts while handing off keys to be tested. They tried each beeper in turn, keeping track of what had been used so far before entering the vehicle again and driving to the further end of the building, still on the first floor.
That time, with the slightly upward sloping street now cutting off the open walls, the only light they could see by was secondary; reflected shadowy dimness gleaming off of various surfaces. Still, Lucas repeated his act, casually stepping into danger with a madman's confidence: only possible by knowing it was a required step in an important plan.
Nothing came of the second point, yet they all seemingly were marginally more at ease with what Lucas was doing. But there were two other floors and rooftop to go to. Lucas became silent again, waiting for the needed criteria as they proceeded to check the other locations. Light was rapidly leaching from the sky as they came out onto the roof, providing a much clearer view of substantially fewer vehicles. Success was least likely here of all, yet they began again.
Just as Lucas was beginning to despair that things would be inevitably postponed, everything fell into place. While he had been searching through those mutilated, bloodied corpses, Lucas had numbed his mind and tried to become blind to his surroundings. Activity became a deliberate and necessary awful thing he could not allow himself to linger upon. If he had not done so earlier, he simply wouldn't have been able to function.
The moment right now was such a time, yet Lucas couldn't quite recapture the same sense of numb blindness to what he saw. He was trapped in an inevitable flow with only one possible outcome and nothing could be done differently. Yet he wasn't watching himself this time. He was watching someone despicable betraying a close friend.